C-26, r. 1.2 - Regulation for the conduct of proceedings relating to complaints and motions lodged with the disciplinary councils of professional orders

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4. In computing any time period, the day which marks the start of the period is not counted and, except for periods counted in clear days, the terminal day is.
Saturdays and holidays are counted but a period that would normally expire on such a day is extended to the next following working day.
O.C. 641-2015, s. 4; O.C. 1003-2021, s. 5.
4. In computing any time period, the day which marks the start of the period is not counted and, except for periods counted in clear days, the terminal day is.
Non-juridical days are counted but a period that would normally expire on such a day is extended to the next following juridical day.
O.C. 641-2015, s. 4.